Editing Class — KATCH SILVA
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editing class & wedding preset pack

My entire editing process + all the presets I use for a whole wedding

Editing can be a pain. I get it. It’s taken me years to get my editing to where it is today, and in this class I share it ALL with you. I’ll walk you through the whole process, from exposing to export, and show you exactly what I do (through videos). I’ll go through a variety of difficult lighting scenarios and show you how I deal with each of them, in camera and in post. You’ll see my camera settings, and all my edits. Check out the list below for a thorough outline of the class!
Everything you need to edit a full wedding day or couple session. Includes my main preset + 10 specialized versions for drastically different light and tone scenarios. Also, 4 extra presets as an added bonus!
price:$300 USD

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Note: All sales final. No refunds


*NOTE: Since building this class I have begun shooting hybrid— film and digital— and this is still the process I follow for editing all the digital images I deliver. Film workflow is not currently included in this class.



“I wasn't even 30 minutes into your class and I said out loud that this was the best purchase I have made all year. No joke. Not butt kissing. Absolutely the best. I was having a really hard time because I'd just spent a good bit of money on some very expensive workshops that just didn't live up to the hype. I learned twenty fold what I have from a lot of others. Not that they weren't lovely. Just what you offered was gold. I spend forever editing because I am an insane perfectionist and I can't let go. You helped me to let go, streamline my editing, and ultimately make more per hour because I spend 1/4 of the time that I was spending before. Thank you thank you Katch. You were such a joy to listen to.”

- Keeley

Thanks for what I thought was an absolutely ripper class. I ended up gaining a lot of sneaky tips and tricks that have greatly improved my work flow and ability to jazz up images in a way that really works for me, so I"m massively grateful for that!

- Jack

what will i learn?

  • Metering & how I meter
  • Exposing for each scenario below
  • Getting better light on the wedding day
  • Underexposing v. Overexposing & how it affects tones
  • Shooting for the right edit & planning ahead
  • Back light, front light, and side light
  • Fitting into a style: "Dark & moody"? "Light & airy"?
  • Embracing the mood of the wedding day
  • Camera settings for all the photos I edit on video
  • How to speed up the culling process
  • What software I use and how I use it
  • How long I spend on culling
  • Why, when and how I keep rejects
  • Choosing the right image for the right reasons
Light scenarios covered:
  • Getting ready light
  • Intimate indoor sessions
  • Direct sunlight
  • Dappled & filtered sunlight
  • Overwhelming green tone casts
  • Hazy sun flare
  • Twilight & blue hour
  • Campfires
  • Reception light
  • Sparklers
  • Dancefloor & on-camera flash
  • High contrast v. low contrast situations
  • Editing for each lighting scenario listed
  • Speeding up your editing
  • How to use the presets effectively
  • Skin tones - Shooting for better skin tones
  • Skin tones - Editing for better skin tones
  • Tone curve - How it works and how to use it
  • HSL - How to make the most of it
  • Cropping - When and why its good to crop
  • Split toning - How it works and how to use it
  • Lens correction - When to use it, when to not, and why
  • Noise reduction - When & how
  • Adding grain
  • Taking a good image and making it GREAT
  • Adjustment brushes
  • Spot removal tool - A thorough walk-through & live edit
  • Graduated filters - Surprising uses of filters
  • Controlling how our eye moves around an image
  • Embracing cooler blue hour tones
  • Making your own version of my presets
  • Staying motivated & getting shit done
  • Staying consistent through different light scenarios
  • Keeping consistent season to season
  • All details about what I deliver to clients & how
  • Access to one of my wedding slideshows to see the finished product
  • Access to a full wedding gallery to see the finished product
  • Exporting
  • Speeding up your exporting
  • Resizing & exporting for web
  • Optimizing images for faster website load times
  • Other export needs
  • Adding grain
  • Cropping & up-ressing

What’s Included With Purchase:

  • 11 Presets for Lightroom
  • 11 Presets (same as above) for Adobe Camera Raw
  • 4 Bonus Presets! (see below for details)
  • Preset installation guide
  • 5+ hours of video
  • Unlimited access to online class
  • Written text with tips and FAQs
  • Access to a highlights slideshow & full wedding gallery

Presets Included:

katch wedding main preset
This is the base for all the wedding presets, and the one I use the most.
katch wedding indoor preset
Desaturated orange tones and lowered contrast for the "getting ready" part of a wedding. It works perfectly for that lovely indoor window light, and I use it for indoor sessions as well!

katch wedding black & white preset
A contrasty black & white preset I use on all my b&w images

katch wedding sunlight preset
Lower contrast in a way that still keeps that pop of sunny days!

katch wedding forest preset
Too much green? This forest preset is great for overwhelming green tones, especially green cast on skin

katch wedding hazy preset
That golden glow is beautiful, but it lacks pop. This preset brings it back! Perfect for washed-out images, or sun flare.

katch wedding twilight preset
Twilight is my favorite! This preset brings out the cool tones for that blue hour magic.

katch wedding reception preset
Receptions tend to have orange cast and over-saturated oranges. This preset tones it down while keeping the romantic warmth of low light.

katch wedding sparkler preset
Very similar to the reception preset, this preset tones down oranges while bringing your focus into the center for that grand exit.

katch wedding dancefloor preset
Perfect for on-camera-flash exposures, this preset brings in ambient light a bit more with lower contrast, while keeping the pop of flash in the center.

katch wedding expired film preset
This is a preset I've used more and more lately, as I shoot more film. It works well for that faded, expired film look!

Plus 4 more presets!

3 campfire presets
noise reduction preset
and how to use them

Here’s a video sneak peek

to show you what to expect!
(view in fullscreen)
price:$300 USD

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Note: All sales final. No refunds